we made a trip up to Medford this last weekend. Jonah needed to see Grammy & Poppy...it had been a while! (i also needed a fix of warmth and sunshine!) it was a full weekend of family & friends. Jonah's Great Grams & Gramps came up to see us too...
Grammy & Jonah walking at the park

Poppy & Jonah

Great Grams & Jonah playing the finger game
Great Grams & Gramps at the park
Jonah insists on finding the heaviest & biggest toy around with a handle and carting it with him everywhere! he is quite obsessed with handles...
our friend Lily is leaving for Vietnam for a year to teach English. Yay for Lily!! we are so excited for her new adventure. we went to her good-bye party to wish her "happy travels". was good to see old friends. we love you Lil!
we love you too Kate!!